Procedural Writting 

How to make Kusudama with origami


Introdaction of Origami

After the introduction of paper manufacturing methods from the continent to Japan in the early 7th century, Japanese ingenuity created a thin and durable paper called "Washi". Eventually, a ceremonial occasion arises in which the paper folds when an offering or gift is wrapped, and the wrapping is beautifully folded and decorated.

I loved origami when I was an elementary school student. My grandmother taught me how to make kusudama of origami. I taught my school friends how to make it, and we made it together. And we gave those to birthday friends. I chose it this time because I want to make it again.


You will need

12 sheets of origami 7.5 centimateres on each side 




・How to make parts 

1. First, valley fold the top and bottom edges together in. And open the folded part and fold the upper and lower sides according to the horizontal       folding line in the center.

2. Second, returns to square state. And fold the bottom left corner and the top right corner along the nearest fold line.

3. Third, valley fold with the right edge attached to the upper edge. On the other side, fold the left edge in a valley to match the front edge.Follwing     that, insert the two floating corners of the triangle into the gap.

4. Then, valley fold to connect the center and right corner, and the center and left corner respectively.

5. Finally, turn the paper upside down and valley fold it so that the left and right corners are aligned with the opposite corners.

 Make a total of 12 pin the same way for the rest.arts


・How to assemble parts

6. First, insert the part in your right hand into the upper right corner of the bag-shaped X in the center of the part in your left hand. And hold the   combined part in you right hand, and insert the protruding corner of the right part into the left part. And insert the corner of the part in your left   hand into the part in your right hand so that it is a protruding triangle.

7. Folliwing that, the rest of the parts will be combined in the same way to make a total of four parts.

8. Finally, in the same way as before, insert corners into the gaps between each part and combine the four parts.




Kusudama with origami can be made into various appearances depending on the color and design of origami. I recommend that you prepare three kinds of origami and make one kind with a pattern. It can be used as a good accent to make kusudama. Please give it to your grandparents as a present. I'm sure they will like it.
